ICBC Benefits You May Not Realize You Can Get

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It should go without saying, but car accidents are no laughing matter. From whiplash, to back injuries, to concussions, there are a number of injuries that can result from even a minor fender bender. The severity of these injuries can vary from excruciating to simply inconvenient. However, when left untreated, even the most insignificant injuries can gradually worsen and create much larger problems further down the line.

If you’ve been involved in a car accident and are experiencing any pain or lack of mobility, the sooner you get started with physical therapy and other necessary treatment, the better. The good news? There are many treatment options such as physiotherapy that are available to you and covered by ICBC! 

Healthcare Services Covered by ICBC

Pre-approved treatments are available within the first 12 weeks and health care providers are able to bill ICBC directly for these services. These covered treatment services include:


A thorough assessment by a trained physiotherapist can determine and document all of the injuries you incurred as a result of your accident. A physiotherapist can help rebuild strength and mobility, and reduce pain and stiffness caused by any number of crash-related injuries. Whether it’s whiplash, back or neck pain, chronic headaches, or anything else. ICBC covers the cost of the initial assessment and twenty five subsequent sessions with a physiotherapist.

Massage therapy

Massage therapy is an excellent way to get relief from the pain and stiffness caused by car accidents. Whereas physiotherapy focuses on strength building, massage therapy looks at providing pain relief through improved blood flow and manipulation of soft tissues. Regular massage therapy can help reduce your overall pain and inflammation levels, and gradually restore your flexibility as well. Within the first 12 weeks after the date of your car accident ICBC covers twelve sessions of registered massage therapy.


Acupuncture is an ancient practice of restorative medicine focused on balancing the body’s energy. Key pressure points on the body are targeted in order to provide pain relief, decreased swelling and inflammation, and other amazing effects to get you feeling your best again after a car accident. ICBC typically covers twelve sessions with an acupuncturist.


Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and working with a psychologist is a great way to keep up with this important aspect of your well-being. In some cases, a doctor might recommend someone see a psychologist after a car accident, especially if they’re dealing with emotional issues from trauma or from a brain injury. Like a clinical counsellor, psychologists are highly trained and qualified to administer science-backed therapy to their patients. Unlike a clinical counsellor, however, a psychologist can also diagnose mental issues. ICBC covers twelve sessions with a psychologist.

Clinical counselling

Similar to psychology, clinical counselling is focused on treating the mental and emotional health of a patient. Clinical counsellors can help people navigate challenging emotions, trauma, or mood issues, and get them back to a state of mental peace. Clinical counsellors undergo extensive training to do their jobs, and use scientifically supported therapy to support their patients. Clinical counselling is sometimes recommended by a doctor after an especially traumatic car accident. ICBC covers twelve sessions of clinical counselling.

How to Get Your Treatment Covered by ICBC

In most cases, ICBC covers physiotherapy and other treatments for anyone involved in a car accident, whether you’re a driver, a passenger, or even a pedestrian. So if you’ve been injured in a car accident, you should begin the process of making your claim, and getting in to see a medical professional, as soon as possible.

Here are the basic steps to accessing ICBC coverage for medical care after a car accident:

1. Report your claim to ICBC

The first thing to do after experiencing a car accident is to contact ICBC and submit your injury claim. You can submit your claim online, or else contact ICBC on the phone in order to get your claim processed.

2. Get a doctor’s referral

This step isn’t strictly necessary, but it can be a big help in getting faster access to the help you need. While you wait to hear back about your claim, get in touch with a health provider who can assess your injuries and provide a referral for physiotherapy. Not only will a doctor’s note improve your odds of speedy approval on your ICBC claim, but it gives your physiotherapist more information and guidance on how best to treat you. If at any point you feel you need some help going through the acute healing phase of your treatment, you can ask your doctor to prescribe pain medication or anti-inflammatories if you want. 

3. Contact a private treatment clinic

Once you’ve got your claim submitted, it’s time to contact a qualified wellness clinic. Do a little research to find out which clinics are in your area, and which offer the services you need. Starting your treatment soon after your accident allows you to access near-immediate care, rather than spending time in pain while on a waitlist for public treatment options.

4. Bring your necessary information to your first appointment

Once you’ve got your first treatment session booked, it’s important you have all the important information on-hand so there are no hang-ups. To access ICBC-covered physiotherapy and other health services, you’ll need to bring your Care Card/Provincial Health number, the number of your approved ICBC claim, the name and contact information of your ICBC adjuster, as well as a referral from your doctor, if you have one.

5. Focus on recovery

Once you’ve handled the logistics of getting your treatment covered, what’s important is focusing on healing and regaining your strength and mobility.

What to Expect From Treatment After a Car Accident

Getting back on your feet after a crash-related injury can be a lot to handle, but we’re here to help. At Triumph Physio and Wellness, we have an extensive and qualified team of healthcare experts from a number of medical disciplines, including: 

  • Acupuncture

  • Physiotherapy

  • Registered massage therapy

  • Post-concussion / Vestibular therapy

If you’re dealing with an injury caused by a car accident, know that you don’t have to go it alone. And thanks to ICBC’s coverage for all kinds of health treatment options, you can gain access to the help you need without the burden of financial strain.

When you work with the professionals at Triumph Physio, we begin with a thorough consultation appointment. We assess your physical condition, and identify any injuries and limitations that you’re struggling with. We also learn more about your lifestyle, medical background, and get to know a little more about you as a person. From here, our specialists will create a custom treatment plan to act as a roadmap for recovery from your injury. After that, we work diligently to get you as healthy as you were before your accident, if not moreso.

Contact us today if you have any other questions about ICBC benefits and coverage options!

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